These are samples of a podcast I'd like to help you create. The following are short samples of very interesting factoids and stories that I have collected in my 25+ years as a trivia writer. I would like to help your team create a killer podcast. Potential titles and angles could include: "The Rest of the Rest of the Story" - an homage to Paul Harvey's most popular series show; "Trivia Minutes"; "Quick Quirks" or others. Please contact me for more samples.
You've heard of this place - do you know why? |
You, or someone you know, likely loves this sauce - do you know what the Civil War had to do with it? |
One of the hit toys of everyone's childhood - had an interesting origin... |
You know the word - do you know the origin of this deadly weapon? |
We use this word a lot - poor Charles..... |
Do you know anyone who golfs? Blow them away with this story... |
You know his name, here's an interesting look at the good doctor's backstory... |
Do you know the real history of "Goat Town"? |
This lumpy, disformed delight has found its way into our hearts and trick-or-treat bags. |
The infamous Pelican Island... |
What Montana town set the record for greatest temperature difference in 24 hours?
What Montana county holds the records for both heaviest and lightest annual rainfall?
What Montana town holds GOBS of records for greatest snowfall?
How many Montanans have died in avalanches?
What Montana city is the 4th windiest city in the nation?
What native Helenan abandoned life as a cowboy to become a Hollywood star?
What famous country star played semi-pro baseball in Helena and Missoula before becoming a singing star?
What noted actress was born in the tiny town of Radarsburg, south of Helena?
What famous religious leader was once the joke editor on the Helena High School newspaper?
Where in Helena would you find a bell that is rung only once per year?
How many earthquakes rattled Helena in the fall and winter of 1935?
What percent of jobs in the Helena area are related to running the state government?
How does Mt. Helena State Park stack up among the country's largest city parks?
Which cost more: Building the state capitol, or renovating it a century later?
How long would it take to give a lift to the entire population of Montana in the state's 65 ski lifts?
Which was the first commercial ski area to open in the state?
Which Montana ski resort is the largest in the nation?
What unusual competition does Showdown ski area host each year?
Are there more miles of groomed snowmobile trails or interstate highways in Montana?
What are the only two cities in Montana that have never seen snow in July or August?
What percent of Montana's stream flow comes from snow melt?
The record for greatest snowfall in a single season is held by what Montana town?
What is the coldest city in Montana if only winter temperatures are considered?